Introduction to Puppy Obedience

The introduction will include you learning how to get your dog to do things like sit, stay, heel etc.

This takes quite a while to accomplish with a puppy, like children, they are easily distracted, however,  it is rewarding.

  The purpose of this is to see how you and your dog work together and possibly advance after basic obedience is accomplished.

You will be able to enjoy your dog together in whatever it is you want to do with your dog, be it as a pet or advance to a working dog status, we will work with you.

• Class size 4-6 students

• This is a 3-day class of a maximum of 2 hours each day, depending on class size and puppies going through the course.

 • Cost $285

• Dates will be determined depending on the availability of class time.

The first potion is talking about how it is done and what to expect from your dog. You need to learn how to read your dog and encourage them.

What is not allowed on the course:
• Choke Collar
• Prong Collar
• Electric shock collar

A regular collar and/or harness is all that is required with a leash.

We promote a positive attitude with the dogs so they enjoy the time.